Monday, August 14, 2006

Sleepwalking through the jihad

Srdja Trifkovic calls out Blair et. al.:

It is to be feared that if and when a plot is brought to fruition, possibly on a grander scale than the one thwarted earlier this week, the sleepwalking of those who are supposed to protect Britain will become more determined than ever before. With stern illiberalism that belies their self-professed respect for other cultures and belief systems they will continue to deny respect to the bombers who sacrifice their lives for the sake of their faith by denying them the right to define themselves.


...and Hugh Fitzgerald takes on Bush:

The phrase "Islamic fascists" still shows how far Bush is from understanding, how timid he will remain. He has not declared and will not declare, or even to hint at, the fact that it is Islam itself, not "perverted" nor "hijacked" but rightly, straightforwardly, understood, that is the source of the menace to us.



At 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

G.W. declared Crusade war taunting muslim leaders. I am sure he wouldn't call our American troops Christofascists for rape and murder of Iraqi teens, Abu Gharrib prison sexual assaults. Now Israeli masscres of Lebanese citizens. Precedent crackhead president of ours will be out of office by 2008 election; it really makes me *sigh* =0)


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